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7th Whitburn Scout Group

Cub Scouts are part of the worldwide Scout Movement.  This Movement began in 1907 as a small party attending a week long camp and has grown into an organisation today of over 28 million people in 216 countries.  In the UK, there are approximately 142,000 Cub Scouts.

Cub Scouts belong to the second section in a Scout Group.  A Scout Group is usually made up of the following Sections:

[table] Section,Age group Beaver Scouts,6 – 8 Cub Scouts,8 – 10½ Scouts,10½ - 14 Explorer Scouts,14 – 18 Network Scouts,18 - 25 [/table]

There is some flexibility in the age ranges to allow us to best meet the needs of our members, parents and the Scout Group.

Each Section normally has a Leader, Assistant Leader(s) and Helpers.  The Scout Group as a whole is led by a Group Scout Leader (GSL).

[table] Cub Scout Leader,Assistant Cub Scout Leader Neil Gilchrist,Paul Freeman 01501 772972,01506 635065 [/table]

We are fortunate to have an Explorer Scout, Nathan Daly, as a Helper within the Cub section.

We meet at Brucefield Church Halls, East Main Street, Whitburn on Thursday evenings between 6.15 pm – 7.45 pm.

Holidays tend to run in-line with schools.

Subscriptions presently stand at £60 per annum.  This is paid in three installments during the year – January, Easter and August.

A major source of finance for the Scout Group comes from its annual Christmas Post service.  Money raised pays for each child’s membership fee to the Scout Association, a free camp/or outing, transport to many events and the general running of the Group.  Because every child benefits greatly from the money raised by the Scout Post, we ask every family participates in the Scout Post.

The Cub Scout uniform consists of a dark green sweatshirt and a Group neckerchief and woggle.  A range of other optional garments is also available.  All items are available through Scout Shops Ltd outlets.  Please speak to one of the Leaders for assistance with uniforms.

Cub Scout membership is open to any male and female youngster aged between 8 and 10½ years old who can make the Cub Scout Promise and Law.

Cub Scout Promise is:

I promise that I will do my best To do my duty to God and to the Queen, To help other people And to keep the Cub Scout Law

The Cub Scout Law is:

Cub Scouts always do their best Think of others before themselves And do a good turn every day.

Cub Scout Motto: Be Prepared

Most Importantly - What do Cubs do?


Activities that Cub Scouts can undertake during a Thursday night meeting include:

[table th=0] Games,Help other people Make things,Themes Visits and visitors,Prayer worship and reflection Outdoors,Team challenges Activities with others,Try new things [/table]

After an extensive review in 2001, the Balanced Programme was introduced.  The philosophy underpinning the programme is that every Cub Scout should participate in a Balanced Programme over a period of time. The emphasis has shifted from a badge and award driven culture to one that ensures that all young people experience a quality programme covering a wide range of subjects.  Badges and awards are still very much available for those who want their achievements recognised.

Sometimes you will be able to go camping with the rest of the Cub Pack.  This will mean you sleeping in a tent and doing loads of outdoor activities.

Throughout the year we also meet up with Cubs from all over West Lothian.  Annual Area activities include a football competition, Fun Days and camps.

An equally important part of being a Cub Scout is attending four parades during the year with the other Sections of the Scout Group. Perhaps the most important of these being Whitburn Gala day but we also walk in the District Church Parade in Linlithgow along with Scouts from all over West Lothian.